Make sure your staff is eating the right things.
Your kitchen staff is your key engine to the entire operations, but it also extends beyond the kitchen. Fasting and working is a challenge across many industries, but especially in Catering where quality and quantity are equally important. Advising your staff to eat balanced meals is one of the most effective ways to maximize productivity while fasting. Sohur is a very important meal from which your staff acquires their dietary needs to be able to deliver. Providing those meals can help ensure that they’re getting the nutrients they need to perform best.

Educate your staff about sleep patterns
Sleep is one of the most overlooked aspects of Ramadan. With work in daytime and holy prayers in the night to dawn, many kitchen’s operations drop due to the lack of focus and sharpness. Making sure your kitchen staff is aware of the importance of maintaining consistent sleep patterns and getting enough hours of sleep is key to maintaining the kitchen’s productivity during demanding times.

Keep your kitchen hydrated.
A busy schedule can often result in forgetting to hydrate correctly during non-fasting hours. Make sure to inform your staff about the amount of water intake their bodies require to maintain a healthy condition. If your staff works during non-fasting hours, it is recommended to create breaks for hydrating every 30 to 40 minutes max.

Allow break for holy prayers.
Respecting your staff’s rituals will definitely make them feel more motivated. A 10 to 15 minutes break for prayers will only help relax and rewind the minds and hence lead for sharper focus once back to operations.

Do a 15 minute to-do list workshop
Take the time at the start of the workday and create a staff to-do list with your staff, break down the tasks in terms of urgency and importance, this will help the entire staff prioritize. It also aids in allocating time according to which tasks take longer and which require more concentration. You can also encourage individuals to break down bigger tasks into smaller ones to be able to apply the same method to their own schedules and increase efficiency.

Listen to your Team
Ownership is one of the main key boosters of performance in any workplace. In a time like Ramadan, while creating your Ramadan tailored menu, this is a great time to lift the staff’s morale by considering their suggestions, ideas and recommendations in the menu. This makes them even more committed to deliver the best outcome and creates an overall sense of belonging to the kitchen.
Ramadan is generally a very high traffic time specially for Catering services with kitchen staff at the very heart of the operation. Planning ahead and creating Ramadan special routines can help to a great extent in optimizing productivity & maintaining your service’s quality all year long.